Darth Vader : Starwars Transformers

YAY finally a pic session after so long! Anyhoo here are the pics of Vader. Off the bat I gotta say I love the Jet mode more than anything else. The robot mode, while nice is not much to look at.

 ARTICULATION: It moves at the neck, shoulders, single jointed elbows, hip, thigh swivel and single jointed knee's. Unfortunately due tot he lack of a bicep swivel, Vaders arms are stuck in gorilla chest pounding mode. The wrist and ankles do move but this is for transformation rather than actual articulation.
ACCESSORIES: Two light sabers, with nowhere to store them in jet mode :(

 PAINT: No splotches on mine as far as I can see.

 CONCLUSION: At a size that slightly larger than a legends class transformers and at slightly lower price, these things are a good buy, not amazing by any stretch but good enough especially if you love the vehicle mode. Another issue I have with this figure and from the rest of the line is that you can see the robot under the vehicle mode, it's like a robot wearing a plane. But I guess it had to be that way to keep the cost down and the toy simple. Here are the pics:


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