Infected Superman

 Toy Line : DC Multiverse

By : Mcfarlane

Year : 2020

Scale : 1/12 ish roughly 7 inches in height

Price : Rm60 (loose no box)

From : A retiring collector

SUPERMAN - Usually he represents hope, salvation and a warning to villians everywhere. But today, we're going to take a look at something from the dark multiverse. This is the Joker Toxin infected superman. He purposely got infected so he can go undercover to find out more about  the Batman Who Laugh's plans. Let's take a look at the figure. 

The Figure

This figure is all kinds of surprising. It's so good, I was half expecting it to be just mediocre and the only reason I got it was because it was cheap and I wanted a Mcfarlane superman, since at the time I couldn't find a page puncher superman anywhere (I found Page Puncher hidden in a shop later during my vacation. So hey now I have 2 from the trip).

He is based on the bulkier of the male bucks from McFarlane. His suit is a lavender color, torn up cape and  a very creepy face sculpt. It gives the figure a more sinister presence.

Poseability is pretty impressive too. Double jointed elbows (another reason I got it as the previous animated and AC 1000 Superman had single jointed elbows), knees, torso and waist twist and ankle and toe joints. 

The Face

The face is impressive. You can just feel the evil by looking at it, from the eyes to the sinister smile, this could easily be your go to evil Superman or even zombie Superman, when coupled with the claw liked posed hands the comes extra. 


Apart from the standard punchy hands, he comes with these pair of hands. An almost claw like pose which could work for a zombie Superman. 


This figure is all kids of surprising. It just has a presence and fun factor that its body mold mate doesn't have (looking at you rebirth superman!!) It has so much character and putting him in fight scenes with other figures is simply delightful. I give it a 8/10.


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