Hot Rod - World's Smallest Transformer

 Toyline : World's Smallest Transformer

By : Takara

Year : 2006

Class : Tiny as hell...

Price : RM35 (I think, bought this so long ago)

Hello again, quick little review of Hot Rod today. all round hot head Autobot cavalier. The Hot Rod we'll be looking at today is from a very special line. The line is officially called Smallest Transforming Transformers but somehow somewhere it became WST - Worlds Smallest Transformer and people have been calling it that since. So lets have a look.

The Box

Hot Rod comes in a red monochrome box which makes him extra special. According to the wiki, Hot Rod was a 1 in 24 chase figure in wave 2.5 of the WST which in itself was already ultra limited to begin with. So yes...BASK in all its limited glory!!! 

Robot Mode

Robot mode is as you would expect, tiny. The design does have similarities to the G1 toy but simplified. Even the spot for the rub sign on his back/roof of the car mode is there, just no rub sign. The flame logo is still on his chest and the face detail is actually goo for something this tiny. Articulation is limited to the elbows using a tiny ball joint. So it can swivel side to side too. The shoulders have a transformation joint that can be used as a butterfly joint. 

Car Mode

Hot Rod's car mode is well a futuristic sports car. Still looks like his G1 design. All the important details are there. Alas the tyres don't roll and he has visible head syndrome when you flip the car over. But its definitely a good piece to have especially if you want to do a diorama or have it around one of you base bots. It's also a good stand it for your Micromaster Hot Rod if you have a star Convoy. 


Hot Rod comes with his trademark photon lasers, which are attached to a sprue. I never took them out coz as far as I know in the cartoon he only started using these guns as Rodimus Prime. 

Size Comparison

Here is WST Hot Rod with Masterpiece Hot Rod. 

Size comparison with other small figures I have within grabbing distance and also a 5 cent coin. 


Its not an ultra high detail robot, but for the size its detailed enough. It's fills a different niche, it's either for people that have ultra limited space, for people that love really tiny robots or both! You might still be able to find this and other WST's in the wild. If its cheap, GRAB IT. A 7/10


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