Legacy Elita - 1

 Toy Line : Transformers Legacy

By: Hasbro

Year : 2022

Class : Deluxe

Price : RM 115 (Sad price in Sarawak after the hike)

From : Toys Empire City 1

ELITA 1 - Formerly known as Ariel (no, not the mermaid) during the golden age of Cybertron. She is the love interest of Orion Pax and worked in the same warehouse as him. She was later upgraded after being brutalized in a Decepticon attack along side Orion who became Optimus Prime. While Prime was fighting on earth she led the resistance on Cybertron in Prime's absence. 

Vehicle Mode

Elita's car mode is a very nice looking compact sports car. It's not as spacey or sleek like her cybertronian car mode in the G1 cartoon but its still a nice one. The colors are G1 accurate as far as I can tell and it has ports all over so you can plug in the guns she came with or extra weapons. The design on the windscreen looks good and you even have ports at the back in you want to plug in energy effects. Overall, no complaints here. Also this mold will be used for G1 Minerva.

Robot Mode

Robot mode is a joy to pose and it is basically Elita 1, if she were to join Prime on earth. Her face sculpt is also very hot & feminine and much better than the recent Arcee attempts that look like a middle aged woman that's given up on looking good after having 5 screaming kids. She comes with 2 clear blue guns. And she fits well with with the other fembots in my collection. And of course she looks good with her lover, Optimus Prime.


The best Elita 1 figure to date. G1 color accurate, gorgeous face sculpt and fun to pose and transform. A few I guess "minor" issues I have with these recent deluxes are, they are small, they remind me of the old Basic line of figures from days of old (or just go to the energon era), the price hike and the plastic feels squishy. I know I know, war in Ukraine, Inflation, rising cost of materials and labor bla bla bla. Other than that it is a very good figure. I give it 8.5/10


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