Combiner Wars Powerglide

 Toy Line : Combiner Wars KO

By : Unknown KO company

Year : Circa 2015

Class : Basic. core whatever they called the small ones back then. 

Price : RM  10 

POWERGLIDE - The one of the earliest Autobot fliers. He wasn't that prominent in G1 apart from that 1 episode in G1 where he fell in love with a human girl. Beyond that he just appears every now and then and gets shot at by the Decepticons. 

Robot Mode

I'll be honest, this figure was a floppy mess right out of the box, it could barely stand and hold its form. A problem I have since fixed by applying the KIKI fix which you can read about here : - 

Ever since then I've added the Autobot logo on his chest and painted the missiles on his forearms. 

Now on to the robot mode after the fix. It is actually a pretty good KO. Definitely bigger than the original (not necessarily a good thing, more on this later.  The sculpt is sharp, details are all there and if you're creative, you can even add paint details, the sculpting is already there, paint will definitely make it pop more. The larger size does give it a but more presence than the original and also a bit more fun to play. This is essentially Powerglide that I remember from G1 (the best era).

Plane Mode

Powerglide transforms into a plane, as to what kind of plane I am not too sure, though the resemblance to an A10 Warthog is there. Everything compacts in nicely enough and looks decent as a plane, though let's face it, its still a robot laying down  :P

Gun Mode

Powerglide can transform into a gun mode to give your other bots some extra firepower. Alas this is where the bigger size is a disadvantage. As it cannot plug into any of the hand ports of official transformers and the handle is too big ( that's what she said :D). BUT, if you have any bots that have articulated hands there is a possibility that his gun mode can be used. Might require some finesse in getting it to hold but it is possible. MIGHT work is the operative word. 


The original was nothing more than  glorified accessory for the bigger bots with a decent bot and jet mode. The Same can be said for the KO, minus the usability of the gun mode unless you get really creative. But for RM10 this is an OK buy, if you just want a Powerglide to play around with.

Without joint fix 4/10
With joint fix 6/10


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