Shattered Glass Jetfire

 Toyline : Transformers Shattered Glass

By : Hasbro

Class : Commander

Release date : 2022

Price : RM 430 (ouch)

JETFIRE/SKYFIRE - A character surrounded by so much controversy, not the cartoon character but more to do with his G1 toy. That looked nothing like the cartoon model. It was a straight up the Macross VF-1s mold from takatoku. Toy issues aside, Jetfire (known as Skyfire in the G1 cartoon) has remained popular. And in recent years I guess technology has caught up enough that they can produce a robot that looks a lot like its G1 animation counterpart but with nods to the G1 macross toy. Today I will be reviewing the black repaint of the Commander Class jetfire, which represents his Shattered glass version. an alternate Universe where the Autobots are evil. But in my universe, black color = POWERED UP SUPER JETFIRE!

The Box

The Box is all black with the shattered glass logo in front and back, with a huge window so you can see the robot inside along with product shots in the back. 

Robot Mode

JF here looks super striking in his black and purple color scheme and long with the green visor. JF is tall, very tall, very evocative of the leader class of old, transformers toys. Poseability on this thing is actually very good, it almost feels like handling a marvel legends figure. Check out the pics below and see how it measures up to omega supreme and Masterpiece Megatron. Another thing to note in robot mode is the brilliant engineering done to the hands. When the hands are closed there is a port where you can plug in the gun. Open the hands and the port retracts.

Jet Mode

Jet mode is a sight to behold. It's a big beautiful long black......jet. Very G1 and very hefty when I carry it. The detailing in this mode is gorgeous. Only issue I had with JF in any mode is that he is so big that there's no stand strong enough to hold him up. Taking pics of JF on the ground in jetmode would be doing it a major disservice. It's a plane, its suppose to fly.  So I managed to stack up together a few stands to hold it up. 


In jet mode you can put all his guns on his chest armor as a sort of super gun emplacement on the back of its jetmode. 


JF comes with quite a bit of stuff. 2 energy or thruster effect parts, 2 rifles that can combine to form 1 big gun. 2 double barreled blasters that plugs into his forearms. 2 large and 2 small energy blaster looking thingies in black. And just as a nod to the 80s toy, a chest armor and an extra helmet to kinda give it the VF-1s look. The guns can plug in to various ports around his body. 

Upgrade kit

Now I purchased a few upgrade kits to increase the "robotechness/Macrossness" of JF. Gives JF more options in terms of playability, action poses and if you're really good, photoshop stuff. The antenna for the head when the helmet is on just completes the look as it felt very incomplete without it. And who can go wrong with the ever popular missile spam attack. The missile pods just plug into any port available on any of you transformers.  These were purchased separately online. 


Probably one of the best transformers in recent years. Fun in both modes, impressive presence and all round epic. 9/10


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