Interesting Day today

It seems that I have unknowingly declared war on the female species on International Women's day. Why? because I pointed out that some women use this Quote :"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" by Marilyn Monroe. And Of course I stated that if a Woman is an EMO Wreck 24/7, when exactly does the "BEST" part come in?? ALSO I was aiming this at a select group of DIVA's that just love to use that line to mistreat their men and REVEL in it. Men I might add that I happen to know. And of course I feel for them and completely understand how it feels like to be treated like a doormat. Apparently I was not aware that I actually hit a home run with that statement with somebody I know. And of course the shit storm began and a whole slew of feminist BS came.

What I wanted to do was in some small way hopefully influence the women that read that and subconsciously they will begin to at least treat their men better. I mean we keep on hearing stories about Women being mistreated by men bla bla bla. Well here's some new for you Honey...IT HAPPENS Both ways. There are asshole females and there are asshole males. But women get more press coverage due to the fact that they are of the fairer sex and thus have all these rights protecting them. Which in all fairness is good news. BUT the point that Im getting to here is that as society progresses there are certain women who have used this advantage and twisted it.

Twisted how? If there is a case of domestic violence the default victim would be THE WOMAN. They won't even bother asking about the man. Another example would be this little tit bit :


This just goes to show the current situation our society is in. Most people hold a double standard about this kind of thing just because people tend to lean more towards the feminist's side of thought these days.

If it were a man doing the exact same thing to two young girls, you can bet that he'd have atleast a ten year sentence, a long ass parole, and plenty of people calling for blood.
Since it's a woman, she obviously gets off with a lighter sentence and most of the people here almost endorse this kind of stuff.

Women get the kiddie gloves even when they do hardcore crime!!!! Seriously Equal rights means you get ready to face EQUAL amounts of FLAK! And yet because of a little FB post I get slagged??

I admit I am not gonna win any awards for Manners or Etiquette but I do have a valid point and I stand by it till the day I drop dead. Now to the guys im not saying you should go out there and SMACK the shit out of the first woman you see and to the Chicks seriously you guys are special adornments of this planet, you make things beautiful etc etc BUT seriously please use your brain before you go on a Feminist Moral high Horse. Guys have feelings too and just because we are supposedly "TOUGHER" does not mean that we wont crack when bombarded from all sides.

So will this ever end I don't know. But this is what I have to say about this.


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