What's been happening lately..

RWMF is coming this weekend woohooo, gonna go there on the 3rd day and partay!!!! Other than that this whole week I have tons of shows because a couple of the other DJ's are on leave so i have to pick up the slack. But hey at least I got Monday off so i can party hard on sunday for the Rain forest world Music festival.

Other than that, I believe you've notice I've posted lots of pictures of actions figures from my collection. Reason being, I am experimenting with a light box/tent thing to see if I can take pictures of action figures like how they do on site's such as or . And I've got to say that there have been improvement's in my picture taking skills as I learn the finer points of photography. Of course I am still just a casual photographer of robots,action figures and the like, so don't expect me to suddenly take pictures that are on part with National Geographic. I just want to take nice shots of toys and that's where my interest and skill will end.

Apart from that nothing else has been going on in my life, oooh oooh the new job is working out nicely. My skills are being acknowledged, I am being treated like a person instead of a dog and the stress levels have gone down immeasurably. So life at the moment is good and I can only go up from here :)

So that's it from me for now..Adios goodbye and be good!


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